Sunday, December 8, 2013

Down the Hill came ...

... a Troll - and more precise a Foundry Hill Troll Champion.

Cause I've been doing a bit of painting, again. And this time its actually a rather large piece. Started working on him 6 to 8 weeks ago, and worked on him on and off - but finished in time for entering him at the painting challenge (maleudfordringen) @ - which was all about doing skin - and must admit, there is a lot of skin on this one.

Wargames Foundry: BSTR003 Hill Troll Champion

This guy here is 1 out of 5 Hill Trolls John Pickford has done for Wargames Foundry. This guy he is "the Champion" - but in the range you'd also find a rock throwing one, one throwing a goblin Paraglider, a grabbing troll - and one armed with a huge axe. All made in this great retro fantasy style.

Fun piece doing - but time consuming he was - think i have had 30+ colours on the palette to do him :)

Should probably have take a comparison picture to really show his size - but he is on a 50x50mm base - and 14-15cm tall - will look enormous on the battlefield - but should scare most enemies away, don't you think.


  1. Great figure and excellent painting...good to see you in action Clam!

  2. Go go go! How large is this guy? Those trolls have been tempting me as well... I would like to know if they are good leadvalue for money? :)

  3. He is 8cm tall and weigh about 200g, so worth the money :) And you can get a good impression regarding his size here:
